Monday 23 December 2013

Cherry Tree High Comedy Club Torrent Download

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Cherry Tree High Comedy Club torrent

Size: 52 MB
Category: Action, Adventure
Developer: Capcom|Capcom

Torrent Size: 52 mb
Files: 2

Comedy fanatic and high school student Miley Verisse decided to set up a comedy club in her school, but her nemesis and head of the student council, Octavia Richmond, is not about to make it simple ... School rules require a minimum of five students to establish a new club and Miley is 3 people short! Spring break just started and Miley has until the end of April to recruit three new members that she needs to run a club or Octavia will have the last laugh! Miley guide through the idyllic town of Cherry Tree, how to make new friends and effort to convince them to join her high school comedy club in this anime-style comic adventure game . Explore the town and level up Miley's repertoire of conversational topics, reading books, watching TV, etc, then use them to convince potential recruits to join the va & scaron I new club. Some questions require money to build, so you have to find part-time work such as cleaning the local temple and making jewelry as accessories. Developers 773s games offer a variety of odd characters, catchy music, and is a must play for fans of anime and manga. Laugh and the world laughs with you!

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