Sunday 9 March 2014

Men of War Condemned Heroes 64-Bit & 32-Bit [by tank5222] Torrent Download

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Men of War Condemned Heroes torrent

Size: 1612 MB
Developer: |1C

Torrent Size: 1612 mb
Files: 4

Men of War: sentenced Heroes tells the story of one of the infamous Soviet penal battalions during World War II. These battalions are famous for having been Stalins Not a step back! For # 227 by judicial officers, who were given the opportunity to redeem their crimes, or incompetence, in blood, a healthy ; rbyer as simple rank lower in a battalion that was assigned the most dangerous tasks. These images are battalions surrounded by many myths, and this game tells the truth about these regiments based on real evidence from their former members . Komandëne get one of these well-known companies and lead it to victory against all odds through shumicëne War Front East. Fight from desperate battles in 1942 in zonëne Volyn in the Ukraine, Operation Bagration move into the area of ​​Brest, Magnush zonëne bridgehead and Warsaw in Poland and in : end attacks on German Altdam and Stettin near the end of the war.

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